For ages I have been using Canon cameras, the first camera I bought was a Canon Ftb Ql, followed by an A 1, a T 90, an EOS 650 and after a long break without photography, an EOS 600D.
But when I look at the new cameras coming out this time, what caught my eye and made me drool?
The Samsung NX 30 and lately the Samsung NX 1!
So why is it not a Canon camera, or by another known camera brand?
If you want to give me a EOS 5, a Leica or Pentax, I take it, because this are great cameras, but if I had the money I would buy the NX 1.
For what reasons?
Well, when I restarted with the photography and was looking for a camera I was somewhat disappointed by the lack of vision of the big players. Digital they were, but there was nothing new, I have more digital options on my Android phone for taking photos. I know, a smartphone is not a DSLR, but with today's phones you can take good photos! Not because of the sensor or the lens, but because of the way the developers opened new ways to take a photo.
The known players seem to have simply replaced the 35mm film by a sensor, I am simplifying, but nothing new in the handling, the way to use it, to work with it. There is still, the mirror, the prism and if you don't have the high end camera, only 95% of the final image in the viewfinder.
Now comes Samsung, and others, and say, the mirror was great for film, but using a sensor, we don't really need it. The prism? Why, we use a small screen in the viewfinder and can add more information, like the histogram, to take better photos. And on it goes.
I can use my phone or tablet to command the NX 1, wireless!
I love macro, but macro means as well awkward positions, very low, in wet grass. I am over 50 now, and it is not always easy to get a good look in the viewfinder or on the screen with Live view. Having a tablet in the hand while the camera is on the ground, almost inside a bush, is of great comfort. I can already do that with the fantastic DSLR controller by chainfire, but I have to use a USB cable, or connect my phone via USB to use its WiFi to connect to my tablet. You see the hassle?
In short, I think the big camera builders have been to slow to the all the possibilities of the digital age and newcomers like Samsung bring in a lot of new ideas and seem to understand what digital really means.